Did you know that cutting on the pull stroke requires less energy than pushing and gives you more control over the action of the saw. If you knew that, fantastic.
But did you then also know that Silky Saws are pull saws and only cut as you pull the blade towards you. They do not cut on the forward or push stroke and it's a real important fact to know and understand.
The Japanese have always used 'pull saw' technology as opposed to the western 'push saw' and there are quite a few advantages we'd like to inform you of...
1. Pulling places the saw under tension and makes it stronger.
2. Pushing compresses the blade meaning you can bend, buckle and possibly break the blade when cutting.
3. Pulling naturally straightens the cut as you pull the saw towards your body.
4. Pull saws can be made from thinner steel, so as a result can make a cleaner line of cut.
The technique of using a Silky Saw is much the same as a standard saw (in motion), but there are still a few things to remember...
1. Always hold the wood securely.
2. Start cutting by lightly dragging the blade across the wood towards you.
3. Slide the blade forward (no cutting takes place of this forward or push stroke, so no power is necessary). This action also cleans the cut of loose material.
4. Repeat in a normal cutting motion letting the teeth do the work - so there's no need to force your cut.
If the wood moves during cutting you may damage the blade, so heavy pressure is not necessary.
If your saw becomes caught in a branch or wood, simply take the weight off the blade to free the saw. Try not to wrench the handle from side to side hoping to release the blade. It is good to know that replacement blades are available for every Silky Saw if you need them.
Once you've finished using the saw, we recommend a quick clean. Warm soapy water and a light brush to remove any tree sap and residue, or small bits of wood between the teeth. Cleaning will prolong the life of the saw blade too.
For more information about looking after and using your Silky Saw, refer to these great tips and hints...
More about Silky
General Tool Maintenance