Silky manufacture 4 different types of choppers. And each model offers a unique difference for the user and for what they are used for.
Silky Yoki:
The Yoki is frequently used by hunters and outdoor enthusiasts across the country, and is a beautifully balanced, curved blade chopper. To find out more about the Silky Yoki - CLICK HERE and if you wish to purchase a Yoki ($171), please contact us directly on
Silky Nata:
The Silky Nata is a single-handed striking tool with a sharp blade used to cut and split wood. To find out more about the Silky Nata - CLICK HERE and if you wish to purchase a Nata (180mm - $165, 240mm - $175), please contact us directly on
Silky Nata Outback:
New to the chopper range, we now have the Silky Nata Outback chopper available. To find out more about the Silky Nata Outback - CLICK HERE and if you wish to purchase a Nata Outback ($189), please contact us directly on
Silky Ono:
The Silky Ono is a camper's best friend! Small and compact, but beautifully balanced and very strong. To find out more about the Silky Ono and to purchase one of these tools - CLICK on the product below.

How to use your silky saw correctly
Designed to use on the pull stroke, it's worth taking 2 minutes to view this video to ensure you get the best from your saw.
Changing the blade on a folding saw
Whilst you cannot sharpen a silky blade (due tot he configuration of the rip and cross cut teeth) you can easily replace it.
Changing the blade on a sheath saw
This video will take you through changing the blade on a Silky sheath saw. MORE VIDEOS>